09 October, 2009

Just Friday

If you've seen my mojo can you please give it back?

Maybe it was the turn in weather from our snippet of fall to pretty much winter.  Generally I would enjoy that, but this has just been a week to get me down.  The one thing keeping me going is the thought of Thanksgiving this weekend. Hands down, it is my favourite holiday. And I had grand plans for sharing recipes all week for some lovely dishes. Instead, I'm going to send you off to this site for breakfast. One day I will get the chance to really enjoy that first cup of hot tea and some hand pies in quiet contemplation of the last issue of Gourmet.  For now I'll scarf the pies, burn my tongue on the tea, and read a paragraph or two in the midst of screaming, Super Why, and dirty bums.


  1. If it helps, I've had a hard week, too. I think my mojo left me for saner person. : (

    Btw, I enjoyed a brief visit to your province this week - it was freakin' cold!

  2. I have also been in a funk this week.....must be something in the air....like snowflakes too early! We are baking a no knead loaf of bread today (a la Jim Lahey of Sullivan St Bakery) Maybe that will cheer me up!

  3. Just blame the weather. Here it's spilled pink milk, blaring Wiggles, and like you, dirty bums. Blaming it on the weather.

  4. There is just something wrong with a "fall" that doesn't have the usual prairie panorama of golden aspen leaves against a deep blue sky. I think our psyches are just attuned to a certain timed rainbow of colours and when that is out of whack, so are we. Sigh. At least a big bubbling batch of beet borscht stays the proper colour and delivers on flavour.

  5. This has been a crappy fall. I'm feeling a bit blah, too. I'm not ready for Winter let alone October. Can we redo September? Please?

    Hope you had a super Thanksgiving. It's a lovely holiday and without the hype of other big occasions.
